Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Thiruvannamalai Siddhar-from arrogance to insanity

In Thiruvannamalai, a Devi Upasaka was doing his Girivalam (walking around the holy mountain). He had walked till the Isanya Lingam. This was the olden days, when it was still forested and not as densely populated.
It was hot. He was thirsty. Not a soul in sight. He called out: "Mother, I'm thirsty. Can anyone offer me some water?"
Suddenly, he hears a voice: "Ayya".
He turns around. He sees a Harijan Stree (woman) carrying a pot of water. "Would you like some water?"
He stepped back. How could he accept the water? He refused.
She laughed & vanished right in front of his eyes.
He grew insane. He roamed the streets as a madman. Whenever he saw any woman on the street, he would run and fall at her feet. In his insanity, he saw the divine mother in all women.
One day, he called some people. He said: "Mother is calling me" and instructed them to dig a pit. He went into it. Instructed them to close it. His Samadhi is still there in Thiruvannamalai.

Source: Haridas Giri Upanyasam on Devi Mahatmyam

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