Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Ancient Tamizh Temple children & pregnancy traditions

The way life decides to propagate itself to keep the species alive is a miracle. In this complex process, there is uncertainty & anxiety for us humans in the 'human condition'.

When one is pregnant, the desire for a safe pregnancy can lead some with determination on the spiritual path temporarily.
This is called the Prasava Vairagyam, one of the four Vairagyas.

Here are some ancient traditions that Tamizhs follow associated with some ancient temples.
Thirumanancheri Shiva temple, Tamizh Nadu
Temple for folks having trouble finding a marriage partner or for separated couples hoping to get back.

Srividya Rajagopalan Swami, Mannargudi, Tamizh Nadu
The family does a Puja to a small Krishna on a cradle that will be temporarily given. This is a prayer seeking a child who will bring happiness.
Darbha Sayana Rama, Thirupullani, Tamizh Nadu
A rare temple where Rama is sleeping on holy grass, hence Darba Sayana. Rituals performed seeking a child.

Garbarakshambikai Devi Shiva temple, Thirukkarugavur, Tamizh Nadu
The family does a Puja to protect the pregnancy for a healthy pregnancy. Shiva is called Mullai Vana Nathar, who was a Swayambhu Shiva in a Mullai thottam. Once the child is born, the child is brought back to the temple & put on a cradle, as part of a venduthal (வேண்டுதல்-prayer fulfillment).

Akhilandeshvari Devi Karuvalarcheri (near Marudhanallur), Tamizh Nadu
The family offers prayers for the healthy growth of the child during pregnancy.
Once the child is born, the child is brought back to the temple & put on a cradle as part of the வேண்டுதல்.

Thayumanavar Shiva temple, Trichirapalli (Trichy), Tamizh Nadu
This temple has a Sthala Puranam of a girl who regularly visited the temple goes into labor with the river Kaveri is in spate & the mother is out of town. The mother manages to come & helps with a healthy delivery. The next day, the mother comes hurriedly & says that she got stuck across the river & couldn't make it. It was Shiva who came as the mother & helped with the delivery. Hence, the Shiva of this temple is called Thayumanavar (the one who is a mother as well). 
Prayers are offered for a healthy delivery.  After the child is born, a Vazha Thaar (bunch of bananas) is carried as the வேண்டுதல். The bananas are distributed as Naivedyam to the devotees.

Thiruchendur Murugan, Tamizh Nadu
Once the child is born, parents can only do so much to protect the child. How about seeking divine protection?
The child is given to Murugan & is considered as Murugan's child henceforth, who has to protect the child. Then, the child is taken back by the parents & raised on Murugan's behalf. 

Soundarya Lahiri, verse 29: The Kiridam Vairinjam Slokam is chanted for a healthy pregnancy.

May you get all happiness that you seek, be it material & the permanent divine happiness. May the divine bless you in this path. Om.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Don't step on the entrance of one who disrespects you - Avvaiyaar

மதியாதார் முற்றம் மதித்தொருகாற் சென்று

மிதியாமை கோடி பெறும்

உண்ணீர்உண் ணீரென் றுபசரியார் தம்மனையில் 

உண்ணாமை கோடி பெறும் 

கோடி கொடுத்ததும் குடிப்பிறந்தார் தம்மொடு  

கூடுவதே கோடி பெறும்

கோடானுகோடி கொடுப்பினும் தன்னுடைநாக் 

கோடாமை கோடி பெறும்.

- ஔவையார்

Don't step on the entrance of one who disrespects you. 

Don't eat at someone's place who doesn't show hospitality.

Form relationships with good people.

Keep up your promises.

This is real wealth.

- Avvaiyaar


Sunday, December 12, 2021

Ahimsa cricket balls

How are cricket balls made?

Around 40 cricket balls are made from the hide of a single slaughtered cow.

The Mumbai Cricket club alone needs around 12,000 cricket balls per year.

A ball is not used beyond 80 overs in professional games.

A cricket ball needs tender cow skin. It is not procured from the skin of already dead cows. Cows are actively slaughtered, also illegally, for it. Meerut produces 50% of all cricket balls used in India.

What's the alternative? An English London cricket club (Earley Cricket Club in Reading) is leading the way with vegan Ahimsa cricket balls.

I contacted the club & they responded that they use the SG Everlast PU cricket balls which they found to be the best.

I did a quick search & found this supplier to the USA. SG Everlast Cricket Ball Weather Resistant Made Of PVC - Cricket Best Buy

We can start a movement & eventually make all of cricket Ahimsa. Please speak up & request your cricket clubs to use the Ahimsa cricket balls.