Thursday, July 30, 2020

Treatment of an enemy's dead body - Ramayana

A weeping Vibhishana: "Ravana was my brother. But he was evil & treacherous. I don't want to perform his last rites."

Rama could have said: "True. He abducted my wife through treachery. Dump his body in the sea." (Similar to what USA did with OBL).

Instead Rama said: "Ravana was a great warrior. You have a duty as a brother. Perform his last rites."
Earlier, Rama had enforced a return of the mighty Indrajit's body with due honors, disallowing any mutilation of the dead body.

Look at how these values have carried forward. In the Kargil war, the Pakistani Northern Light Infantry were disguised as non-Army (but equipped with army equipment like Stinger missiles). The Pak govt refused to accept their bodies (conforming to their doctrine of plausible deniability). (They would admit involvement over a decade later). The Indian Army performed their last rites for them with dignity.

In contrast, we have had multiple instances of ambushed Indian Army soldiers tortured, beheaded & their head taken away as a trophy. Any Indian spies captured (eg: Ravindra Kaushik) are tortured & given an ignominious burial in an unmarked grave (instead of Hindu cremation rites). This is what happens when a society loses its values taught by the Ramayana.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The divine mango

There is a lovable story that Tamizhs are familiar with. Narada brings a mango, a fruit of knowledge to Shiva. This has a condition, though. The fruit may not be shared. Murugan & Pillaiyaar fight over the mango. The one who goes around the world thrice first would get it. Murugan goes around the world thrice. Pillaiyaar sees Shiva Parvati as the world & goes around them thrice. Gets the mango. Murugan is annoyed & leaves in a huff. After some dramatic episodes, he's eventually coaxed back.

Puranic stories have multi-layered symbology. What is the meaning of this story?

Nara means human. Narada means he who gives the right knowledge & prevents the wrong path for humans. Narada gives the divine fruit of knowledge but you need to go through a test to get it.

Murugan went around the entire world, yet didn't get the mango. Pillaiyaar went around Shiva-Parvathi right there with him & got it. 

Traveling the entire world & going external will not give you the divine fruit of knowledge. Going within (to the Shakthi & Shiva within us) will yield it. This is beautifully expressed in the Lalitha Sahasranamam: अन्तर्मुखसमाराध्या बहिर्मुखसुदुर्लभा.

This fruit can't be shared. Why? The divine fruit of self knowledge that is within, can only be attained by us. Only we can make the journey to our own self; others may guide but this fruit is ours alone to experience.

The divine mango is the fruit of self-knowledge. For that, you need to go around thrice. Why thrice?

Per Kundalini Yoga, there are three granthas (knots) & main chakras that one eventually reaches through deep Dhyana (meditation). The Kundalini Shakthi itself has three main Nadis that are used to unravel the granthas. Once past this, one gets the divine knowledge.

What does Murugan do? He leaves everything & becomes an Aandi (Sanyasi or ascetic who has renounced everything external). He is worshipped in the Aandi Kolam in Pazhani.

At this point, Avvaiyaar, the lovable Tamizh Patti saint, sings: Pazham Neeyappa. You are the divine fruit yourself. The divine fruit of knowledge is not external to us; it is internal within.

Such a simple lovable story of a brotherly rivalry with multi-layered meanings.

Murugan is Jnana Panditha, the Vedic name reserved for him & no one else. He represents the Ajna Chakra, the fire of knowledge born directly out of Shiva, the final Sahasrara Chakra on top.

Further reading:

Monday, July 20, 2020

Governance through fear?

In 1742 CE, Malhar Rao Holkar offered to rebuild the Kashi Vishwanatha temple. The locals requested him not to. Why? Fear of violent reprisals once he left.

The Mathura Krishna Janmabhoomi site was bought back by the Hindus. (This has a parallel to the Ayodhya Rama Janmabhoomi site bought back by Sawar Jai Singh of Jaipur per the 1717 CE Kapad Dwar Mughal records for the Hindu right to worship there). Every court awarded the Mathura temple site to the Hindus. What did the government do? It forced a settlement without Hindu consent to give away the site, for the 'right' to build a temple in an adjacent site. Why? Fear of violence if the court order was implemented.

Be it Islamabad (formerly Ram Kund) or Mallapuram, Hindus are simply prevented from building a temple on their own privately owned land. The administration is complicit or helpless. Why? Fear.

The Congress government passed the Places of Worship Act in 1991, which disenfranchised the Hindus of the right to reclaim their 47k demolished & converted temples, including Kashi & Mathura. Why? Fear.

There are multiple voices that exhort the Hindus to not press claims on any of their demolished & converted temples. Underlying all these arguments is one primal emotion. Fear.

Every government should aspire to be approachable & be able to deliver justice without fear. The weak should be able to approach the government for justice. The strong who get their way through violence must fear the law & justice systems. 

Instead, we find a fearful government. Being fearful is no way to govern. When delivering justice, the government must develop a capability & willingness to impose order in society.

The day Hindus can build temples on their own private land or reclaim their holiest demolished & converted temples without fear, the world will move a step closer towards real freedom.

Thursday, July 09, 2020

The 11 types of Brahmanas

Atri's classification of Brahmanas - Source: PV Kane's History of Dharmśastra Volume 2 Part 1, pg 131 on the discourse in the Atri Smriti:

1. Deva Brahmana: Bathe daily, do Puja, SandhyaVandanam, homam, honor Aditis (guests) & Vaishvadevas
2. Muni Brahmana: Lives in a forest subsisting off roots, fruits & vegetables, doing daily Shraddhas
3. Dvija Brahmana: Twice-born. Studies Vedanta, gives up all attachments, engages in Samkya & Yoga (implying AshtAnga Yoga).
4. Kshatra Brahmana: Fights to defend the motherland.
5. Vaishya Brahmana: Trader, farmer, rears cattle.
6. Shudra Brahmana: Sells meat, lac, dyes like Kusumba, milk, ghee, honey
7. Nishada Brahmana: loves meat & fish, thieves & robs, backbiter.
8. Pashu Brahmana: Knows nothing on Brahman but is proud of his birth & sacred thread.
9. Mleccha Brahmana: Obstructs or destroys wells, gardens & tanks without qualms.
10. Chandala Brahmana: Adharmic, cruel, foolish, does no prescribed rites.

Not in Atri's list:
11. Unchavritti Brahmana: living by alms, not accumulating money, perform Sandhya, keep Agnihotra (Shrautagni), follow Dharma.

Monday, July 06, 2020

Qualities of an army - திருவள்ளுவர் திருக்குறள்

PM quoted திருக்குறள் by திருவள்ளுவர் in his Ladakh speech.
மறமானம் மாண்ட வழிச்செலவு தேற்றம்,
எனநான்கே ஏமம் படைக்கு - பொருட்பால் எண்: 766

A Dharmic army's characteristics: valor, honor, tradition of glory & trustworthiness. 

திருக்குறள் comprises அறத்துப்பால், பொருட்பால் & இன்பத்துப்பால். These map to धर्मसूत्र, अर्थसूत्र & कामसूत्र. The पुरुषार्थ are धर्म, अर्थ, काम & मोक्ष.

Meaning: Follow your desires, seek meaning in your life, but be bound by Dharma with a goal towards Moksha.

Sunday, July 05, 2020

Chanakya-script for a play

Mauryas killed through deceit by Nandas. Chandragupta imprisoned.

Mauryas are lured by Nanda to avoid a future threat to the throne. Mauryas are invited for food, lured to a cellar & starved to death. Chandragupta is the only survivor & imprisoned by Nanda.

Nanda (thinking): Maghada’s king Sarvartha Siddhi, my father has retired & gone on a pilgrimage. I anticipate a threat to the throne from the Mauryas.

Nanda: Chandragupta, please join us for dinner with your brothers.

Nanda (thinking): For the last time...

Chandragupta: Sure.

Nanda: Welcome to the palace for dinner. However, there’s not enough space for all of us in the hall. We’ll eat in the cellar.

Chandragupta: Don’t worry, my family & I will eat in the cellar.

Chandragupta walks to the cellar & sits down to eat.

Nanda shuts the door.

Nanda: You’ll never come out alive...

Chandragupta: All my brothers are dead from starvation. How long will I last?

Nanda: What harm can one man do? Get him out & imprison him. Burn the reeking palace.

Parvata Desh’s Parvatak’s spy Kamalapida’s test. Chandragupta solves it & gets released.

Parvatak: Kamalapida, I hear that the smart & powerful Mauryas are dead. Can you gather intelligence from Magadha? Maybe, we can attack them later?

Kamalapida: Sure. I will disguise myself, go to Magadha & conduct a test.

Kamalapida with a stick: People of Magadha, can you solve this mystery? How did this lion go into this cage with no openings?

Lion walks around the cage.

Nanda: My people are baffled. Is there no one who can solve this? The honor of our kingdom is at stake. 

Chandragupta: I can solve this mystery.

Nanda: Ok, Chandragupta. If you save Magadha’s honor, I’ll release you.

Chandragupta: Who are you?

Kamalapida: I live in the mountains.

Chandragupta thinking: He must be from Parvata Desha, sent by Parvatak.

Chandragupta: Blindfold an elephant & bring him to the lion.

Elephant: walks towards lion.

Lion: walks around.

Chandragupta (thinking): Why doesn’t the elephant sense the lion & appear fearful? Why doesn’t the lion react towards the elephant?

Chandragupta: Let me offer some food to the lion.

Lion: walks around.

Chandragupta: Why is the lion not reacting?

Kamalapida: The lion is trained to not accept food from strangers. Give it to me.

Kamalapida raises stick.

Lion eats food.

Chandragupta: You have a magnetic lion & a magnetic staff. This lion is not real.

Kamalapida: This is indeed correct.

Nanda: Thanks for saving Magadha’s honor. I’ll release you & put you in charge of guest houses.

Parvatak: What did you find, Kamalapida?

Kamalapida: One Maurya has survived. It is the intelligent Chandragupta.

Chanakya’s cutting of harsh grass. Chandragupta’ invite & Nanda’s insult.

Chandragupta: Who is this Tejaswi Brahmana walking? He doesn’t look like an ordinary person.

Chanakaya walks. Stops.

Chanakya: This harsh grass hurt my feet. It will hurt the feet of other passers-by as well. It is best to remove it.

Chanakya starts removing grass.

Chandragupta thinking: There is a lot of harsh grass. What is this Brahmana going to do?

Chanakya keeps removing the grass.

Chandragupta: This Brahmana has removed all the grass. Such determination. Having him as my advisor will be good for me.

Chandragupta: Revered sir. I am Chandragupta. Who are you? Can I please serve you lunch in my seat of honor?

Chanakya: Thank you for the invitation. I am Chanakya.

Chanakya starts eating.

Nanda: Chandragupta, I’ve just arrived from a hunt. Serve me food. What? The seat of honor is taken? How dare you? Get up.

Chanakya ignores him & continues eating.

Nanda: You wretch. How dare you ignore me?

Nanda kicks his plate & pulls his Shika.

Chanakya in anger: You arrogant king! A person with such arrogance cannot be a ruler. I shall not tie my undone Shika until I dethrone you.

Nanda laughing derisively: What can you, a poor Brahmana in rags with a funny undone Shika do to me, the king? 

Chanakya solicits Parvatak’s help. Plans to neutralize Lampaka.

Chanakya: Chandragupta, what is your relation to Nanda?

Chandragupta: Nanda is my cousin. He killed my family through treachery.

Chanakya: You have shown the humility required of a king. I will dethrone Nanda & make you king. Who has eyes on Magadha?

Chandragupta: Recently, Parvatak had sent a spy over. He must have designs on Magadha.

Chanakya: Let’s approach him.

Chanakya: Raja Parvatak, help us dethrone Nanda & make Chandragupta the king. I’ll give you half of Magadha.

Parvatak: I have threats of my own. Lampaka Raja is planning to invade Parvata Desha. Magadha also has the Kashi Raja as an ally. The alliance is formidable.

Chanakya: I’ll handle Lampaka Raja & Kashi Raja. I need two intelligent spies.

Parvatak: Kamalapida, help Chanakya.

Kamalapida: Chanakya, I’m here to do your bidding.

Kamarupa set against Lampaka.

Kamalapida: Kamarupa Raja, we seek a royal alliance between your beautiful yuvarani & our brave yuvaraja, Malayaketu.

Kamarupa Raja: I’m pleased with the proposal.

Kamalapida’s spy employee interrupts: Sorry, Kamalapida, here is an urgent letter for you.

Kamalapida reads the letter.

Kamalapida: Honorable Kamarupa Raja, I deeply apologize. We can’t proceed with the alliance.

Kamarupa Raja (angrily): What does the letter say?

Kamalapida hesitates: My apologies, my lord. I can’t bring my tongue to read it.

Kamarupa Raja (angrily): Minister, take the letter and read it.

Kamarupa Mantri: It is reported Lampaka Raja called the Kamarupa Raja a man of low origin since one of his ancestors had married a commoner. In light of these remarks, we apologize that we have to withdraw the proposal.

Kamarupa Raja (fuming): Lampaka Raja will pay for his malicious & defamatory remarks. Prepare for war.

Kashi Raja solicited for help. Nanda’s minister Amatya Rakshasa plots against Parvatak & Malayaketu.

Chanakya: Diplomacy is making enemies neutral, neutral folks into friends, friends into allies. Build relationships.

Parvatak: Yes, wise one.

Chanakya: Send Kamalapida to Kashi Raja. Don’t worry about his alliance with Magadha.

Kamalapida: Kashi Raja, Parvatak seeks your alliance in deposing Magadha’s Raja Nanda. Break off your alliance with Nanda & ally with us.

Kashi Raja: Wait Kamalapida.

Kashi Raja: Send an envoy immediately to Nanda.

Kashi Raja envoy: I bear a message from Kashi Raja. Raja Nanda, Chandragupta seeks to depose you. He seeks an alliance with me. I am committed to our alliance. What should I do?

Nanda: I spared Chandragupta & this is how the wretch behaves? Prepare for war. Minister Amatya Rakshasa, why does he approach Kashi Raja knowing that we’re allies?

Rakshasa: Let Kashi Raja pretend to ally with Chandragupta. Capture Chandragupta, Parvatak or Malayaketu by surprise & we can end the uprising.

Kashi Raja envoy: Kashi Raja, Nanda suggests that you pretend friendship with Chandragupta. Capture Chandragupta, Parvatak or Malayaketu by surprise & we can end the uprising.

Kashi Raja: Kamalapida, we’ve decided to ally with Parvatak.

Kamalapida: Thank you, Kashi Raja. We’re honored. Chandragupta, Parvatak or Malayaketu will join you shortly to help command the army.

Kamalapida delays Kashi Raja.

Kashi Raja: I’m anxiously waiting for Chandragupta, Parvatak or Malayaketu. When will they come?

Kamalapida: They should be here shortly.

Kashi Raja: I’ve been waiting days. When will they come?

Kamalapida: I don’t know what’s keeping them. They should be here shortly.

Kashi Raja: I’m anxious. I’ve waited so long. When will they come?

Kamalapida: I’m also worried, my Raja. They were supposed to be here soon. I don’t know why they’re delayed.

Chandragupta & Parvatak plan attack. Nanda plans defense. Nanda interrupted by Rishi Masopavasi’s Yajna.

Nanda: Chandragupta’s armies are here. We’ve also planned our defense. Let’s fight.

Rakshasa: I’ve arranged a Yajna for our victory.

Masopavasi: I’ve started a Yajna. At the final offering, the enemy soldiers will collapse & die.

Nanda: We seek your blessings, Rishi. Now, on to battle.

Nanda’ setback & counter-attack by Rakshasa.

Nanda: Chandragupta’s army has an upper hand over us? What to do?

Rakshasa: Don’t worry my Raja. I’ll lead a counter attack.

Nanda: I’m indebted to you, Rakshasa. Your courageous counter attack saved the day for us.

Malayaketu’s ‘capture’. Surprise attack on Nanda joined by Masopavasi. Chandragupta’s victory. Half Magadha given to Parvatak.

Rakshasa: My spy reports that Kashi Raja has captured Malayaketu & is delivering him to us. Masopavasi is also about to end his Yajna.

Nanda: Excellent news. Let us go to Masopavasi.

Rakshasa: Here comes the palanquin with the captive Malayaketu.

Nanda: Malayaketu, you’re now our captive. We’ll release you only if Parvatak gives us Chandragupta. Why aren’t you coming out? Are you shy?

Nanda (in shock): Oh no! This is not Malayaketu. These are Chandragupta’s soldiers in disguise. We’ve been fooled. What? Masopavasi is burning our sites? He is also Chanakya’s spy in disguise.

Chandragupta: Nanda, your end has come for your treachery.

Chanakya ties up his Shika.

Chandragupta: Wise Chanakya, I owe my victory to you.

Chanakya: We’re not out of danger yet. Nanda’s sons have escaped. They may mount a future rebellion. 

Chandragupta: I’m prepared for war.

Chanakya: It is best to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. Sometimes, we have get rid of a few through unethical means for the greater good. 

Kamalapida: I have tracked their maid & bribed her. She will poison Nanda’s sons.

Rakshasa entices Parvatak to rule all of Magadha. Chanakya’s spy listens in.

Rakshasa: I’ve failed in my duty to safeguard Nanda’s kingdom. Nanda was not a noble king. But that doesn’t excuse the fact that Nanda’s sons were killed through treachery. I must take revenge. Parvatak helped Chandragupta out of greed. If I entice him with greed, he will help me too.

Rakshasa: Parvatak Raja, Chandragupta used your army to gain Magadha. In return, he only gave you half the kingdom. You deserve to rule all of Magadha. I can help you.

Parvatak: But Chandragupta is ruling now…

Rakshasa: I can help you get rid of Chandragupta.

Parvatak: Ok.

Chanakya’s spy: Chanakya, Parvatak has turned. He is plotting with Rakshasa against Chandragupta.

Chanakya prevents poisoning of Chandragupta by Rakshasa’s Vaidya.

Chandragupta: I feel ill.

Raja Vaidya: Please have this medicine, Maharaja. It will cure you in a few days.

Chanakya: A king must ensure that someone else eats everything in his presence before he eats it. Raja Vaidya ji, can you please taste it?

Raja Vaidya eats it in despair. Dies.

Rakshasa: I’ve lost such a good friend.

Rakshasa’s spy informs Chandragupta’s plan to move into rebuilt Nanda’s palace.

Rakshasa: My spy informs me that Nanda’s palace is being rebuilt. I’ll have my architect friend build a secret cellar.

Rakshasa: The palace is built. My spy informs me that Chandragupta will move in.

Chandragupta: What a beautiful palace. I’m ready to move in.

Chanakya inspects & finds ants with grains of rice from the basement. Burns the palace. Assassins killed.

Chanakya: The palace must be properly inspected before moving in. 

Chandragupta: My Rakshak team has already inspected everything. Everything is in order.

Chanakya: Let me check anyway.

Chanakya walks around.

Chanakya: Everything does look ok. Wait, what’s that?!

Ant: slowly walks out of a floor crack carrying rice.

Chanakya thinking: If an ant is coming out of the floor carrying rice, someone is underneath in a secret basement who has eaten food.

Chanakya: Burn the palace.

Chandragupta: My beautiful new palace, burnt to ashes!

Chanakya: A king should always be steady minded & never get excited. Come over. See the bodies of the soldiers hiding in the basement.

Rakshasa: I’ve lost so many of my trusted warriors.

Rakshasa sends Vishakanya. Redirected to double-crossing Parvatak.

Rakshasa: I’ll send a Vishakanya to Chandragupta. He will be poisoned & die if he touches the girl.

Chanakya: Chandragupta, send her to Parvatak.

Kamalapida: Parvatak is dead.

Chanakya: I suspected that she was a Vishakanya sent by Rakshasa. Parvatak is no longer loyal & has joined hands with Rakshasa.

Rakshasa convinces Malayaketu to attack Magadha.

Rakshasa: How does Chanakya anticipate every move of mine?

Rakshasa: Malayaketu, Parvatak, your father was unfairly killed by the Vishakanya sent by Magadha. Attack Magadha.

Malayaketu: Plan for war.

Chanakya’s spy watches Rakshasa’s family & gets seal. Spy ‘saves’ Rakshasa’s friend from Chandragupta’s soldier. Infiltrates Rakshasa’s circle.

Chanakya: My spy who was watching Rakshasa’s family spotted his wife dropping his ring by mistake. I now have it. I can use it.

Rakshasa’s friend: Chandragupta’s soldiers, please don’t punish me. It is true that I was Rakshasa’s friend, but I was not plotting anything. Oh, somebody save me. Save me.

Chanakya spy: Pretends to fight off Chandragupta’s soldiers who retreat.

Rakshasa’s friend: Thank you for saving me.

Chanakya’s spy: Let us go to Rakshasa.

Rakshasa’s friend: Rakshasa, so glad to meet you. This person saved me from Chandragupta’s soldiers.

Rakshasa: I’m indebted to you. You’ve put your life in danger for us & will not be safe if you go back. Please stay with us. 

Chanakya’s spy: Thank you.

Chanakya ‘fights’ with Chandragupta. Malayaketu plans attack

Chandragupta: Why are there no celebrations? It is my coronation day?

Chanakya: I ordered no celebrations.

Chandragupta: I’m the king.

Chanakya: Don’t forget who made you king.

Rakshasa: Chanakya & Chandragupta are fighting. Now is the right time to attack, Malayaketu.

Malayaketu: I’m ready with my war plans. My allied kings are here.

Chanakya’s spy is caught. Treacherous letter with Rakshasa’s seal.

Malayaketu: Halt! Who is there? Catch him & bring him.

Chanakya’s spy with a letter.

Malayaketu: What letter is this with Rakshasa’s ring seal? What? Rakshasa is accepting Chandragupta’s offer to me minister? My allied kings will betray me?! Kill the kings who pretended to be my allies.

Rakshasa: Malayaketu, what have you done? Why did you kill your allies?

Malayaketu: I now know of your treachery. See this letter with your seal.

Rakshasa: This is not my writing!

Malayaketu: But this has your seal. To avoid Brahma Hatya, I’m letting you go reluctantly.

Rakshasa thinking: It is useless arguing with idiots.

Chanakya convinces Rakshasa to be Chandragupta’s minister. Retires.

Rakshasa: Who is coming towards me? It is Chanakya.

Chanakya: Respected Rakshasa, my job is done. I wish to return to an Ashram to teach. I need someone loyal & intelligent to be Chandragupta’s minister. My quarrel with Chandragupta was faked.

Rakshasa: I’m honored that you’d treat your adversary in this manner.

Chandragupta: Please stay, Gurudev. I owe everything to you.

Chanakya: Chandragupta, you & your kingdom are in good hands with Rakshasa as your minister & advisor. My job is done. I’ll now retreat to an Ashram to be a teacher.