Friday, October 11, 2019

Parathavar customs

Joe De Cruz:

In Uvari, a Catholic village of Paravathars, I'd posted the story of how the drunkard Alec Pitchai was banished for visiting the Mutharamman temple. The Mutharamman vigraha had refused to move until she was touched by Alec.

Though the village council banished Alec, what were their customs? When large fish like sharks or whales played near their boats, my brothers, father, grandfather, his brother & all ancestors have a practice that is still followed.

They would place their hand on the head of the whale/shark & say: On my Kumari Aatha, I swear that I will not bother you; you shouldn't bother me.

On the boat, when we see Colombo, we break a coconut for Murugan. When we see Kanyakumari, we break a coconut for Kumari Aatha.

My grandma would sing a lullaby for me. Having the Parathi, Devayani, already as his wife, our Macchaan (brother-in-law) Velavan (Murugan) took a tribal disguise for the Korathi, Valli.

During the rule of the Pandyas, the Parathavas had ruling rights over the pearl coast. They used to worship Madurai Meenakshi, Uttarakosamangai Mangaleshwari, Korkai (Thoothukkudi) Sandana Mariamman, Kanyakumari Aatha since time immemorial.

Given the customs that the Parathavars are still following, is it logical for them to banish Alec for visiting a temple?

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