Monday, May 06, 2019

Chess origins

Source: @TrueIndology

This chess board excavated from Lothal, Gujarat is the earliest ever chessboard known to the history of mankind. It belongs to Indus Valley Civilization and dates back to c.2300 BCE. The board was used to play an early form of Chess. It belongs to period I of Lothal. Chess was known in Sanskrit literature as "Chaturanga" (literally meaning "four divisions" of Cavalry (knight), Infantry (pawns), Elephantry (bishop) and Chariotry (rook). It was borrowed into Persian as "Shatra...nj" and thence known to the West and in English as "Chess" This board was discovered by an independent Italian team.
Source: Archaeological survey of India, Lothal excavation findings (1985 publication)

Maze puzzles & dices found at Lothal.

An early Persian painting depicts an Indian ambassador( shown in dark skin) introducing Chess to Persians in the Pre Islamic Sassanid court. Through Persians, the game was learnt by Arabs and Europeans. The king who introduced Chess is named in Persian sources as "Deva Sharma". He was an Indian envoy who introduced chess at the court of Anushirvan. He is shown playing chess with the vizier Buzurgmihir.


Here is an ancient chess piece that was originally from India. It was carved out of ivory and probably denoted rook/elephant. It fell into Arab hands when they conquered Sind. It is now in Louvre Museum, Paris.

Chess used to be prohibited in some cultures.


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