Monday, May 06, 2019

Calculus origins

Source: @TrueIndology

Western Indologists unanimously accept that calculus was invented in India centuries before it was invented in the west. And some Indologists have also accepted that knowledge of Calculus was transmitted from India to Europe.
"Priority of Keralese in calculus over Netwon and Leibnitz is now beyond doubt"-Paul Ernest, Math historian(2011)  Recently, historians have found evidence that knowledge of kerala school of Mathematics was transmitted to Europe  

Differential Calculus: The Principles of Differential Calculus were earliest stated in India by Hindu Mathematicians in Sanskrit Mañjula(932 CE) in his work Laghumānasa states the Differential Formula of the Sine Function in the following form : Sinθ′−Sinθ = Cosθ(θ′−θ) where (θ′−θ) tends to 0.

Critical Issues in Mathematics Education
edited by Bharath Sriraman, Paul Ernest, Brian Greer

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