Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Yogic caste system

Caste is a poorly defined word (originally from the Portugese word: Casta meaning class) that is overloaded to mean Varna, Jati, Kula & Gothra. The word fails to capture the nuances of each term. When Karma is Karma and Guru is Guru, maybe keeping the original Samskritam words would be better in explaining the concepts. In this post, I'll call out the Varnaashrama as the Yogis call it. Varna means color, meaning color of the personality.

  1. Shudra: One who is a slave to the senses and to the mind. This should comprise most of us. 
  2. Vaishya: One who collects the wealth of knowledge & starts developing Viveka (power of discrimination to differentiate between right & wrong).
  3. Kshatriya: One who fights the urges of the mind & senses. Have you ever meditated? Just try it. See the restlessness of the body and your own mind, which is completely out of control. And the creative arguments of the mind to avoid meditation. If you still try to do it, you're in this state.
  4. Brahmin: One who has has realized the Brahman (Self). Yogis call the mind the Antha-karana (inner organ). If you meditate, you can observe the mind as a separate entity from you. From then, try to determine who's the observer of the mind and start going further inwards. That, the Yogis say, will help you understand yourself and truth behind everything.

One common aspect of all world villains is that they don't meditate & are all slaves of a hyperactive mind. One common aspect of great people of this world is that they meditate. All of us have the choice. Just try to meditate 5 minutes every day. Just 5 minutes, away from TV, internet, the Smartphone or any screen. With practice, we'll all get better. Om Shanthi. Peace.

Teachings of Swami Yogananada Giri (sishya of Swami Yukteshwar Giri)

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