Saturday, July 23, 2016

Identifying true & false preachers of God

There are so many prophets and teachers that the world has seen. Which ones are true? And which ones are false? How do I find someone who is really a person of God?

There's a saying in Tamil. Kandaar vindilar, Vindaar Kandinar (கண்டார் விண்டிலர். விண்டார் கண்டினர்). One who has seen will not talk, one who talks has not seen.

If you hear claims that someone is a prophet, has seen God, can take you to God and knows the true or only path to God, take these claims with a lot of skepticism.

Now, there is a problem. The one who has seen will not talk. Why won't they talk? The divine experience is something that can only be experienced but not explained. It is not that they don't want to talk about it, but they can't find the words to describe it. How will you find that person? That person can probably help you and show you the path. What to do?

There are some guidelines given as to how to find such a person.
  • That person would be silent for long periods of time & would probably meditate for long periods of time.
  • If you go to the person's presence, you'll find that your mind calms. You'll feel peaceful. You'll feel like staying. You won't feel like leaving.
  • Once you leave, you'll feel like coming back. And experience his presence & peace of mind.
It is very rare that you would find such a person. It can take several lives to even chance upon such a being. But if you have the good fortune to chance upon someone with these attributes, hold tight.

Upanyasam of Swami Haridas Giri of Selaiyur (Tapovanam's Swami Gnanananda Giri's disciple)

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