Thursday, July 28, 2016

Debbie Wasserman Schultz's Karma?

Earlier in the run up to the primaries, Tulsi Gabbard, one of the VCs in the DNC asked for more debates (just half of the RNC's debate count) and a better debate schedule (scheduled during sports games & holiday weekends). Debbie refused and asked Tulsi to not speak at a Las Vegas convention. Tulsi resigned in protest.

Fast-forward to this week. In the wake of the Wikileaks DNC email leaks, Debbie was forced to not speak in the DNC convention and forced to resign. Did the bad Karma gained in her dealings with Tulsi cause this? ;)

There is something to say about people who sign up and serve in the armed forces. People who are willing to put their lives on the line for a higher cause are in general, much better people than the rest of us. In a world where people want to advance their careers in every manner possible, Tulsi resigned for her principles. Maybe once you serve in the armed forces, you have experienced the worst that this life has to offer. And maybe, you are no longer willing to tolerate political machinations by small-minded politicians. 

Tulsi didn't care about her future career in resigning as the DNC VC. She asked for more debates & a better schedule. She supported the politician who would take the USA out of unnecessary wars against the politician who has voted to take the USA to unnecessary wars. She spoke out against the super-delegate process calling it undemocratic. And she now spearheads a campaign to reform the super-delegate process in the DNC, which will no doubt meet with opposition by the entrenched.

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