Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Decay process of a native culture & language

Which stage are we in?

1.  Epics with linguistic wizardry produced. Language spoken at work & all environments. Festivals with regular congregations celebrated in public and integrated with work. Festivals patronized by rulers. All research, science & math done in the language. Libraries hold books in the native language.

2. Language no longer spoken at work, only spoken at home. Festivals no longer patronized at work & by rulers. Public display of festivities reduce. Less literature generated. Less people can read & write the language. Research, science & math no longer done in the language. An inimical strong power may burn libraries, attack or ban public festivities & enforce its own language & culture.

3. Language spoken by kids only with grandparents. Schools no longer predominantly teach the native language. Businesses no longer use the language in naming the stores or when marketing. Libraries no longer carry books in the language.  Festivals & rituals performed privately at home. Most public festivities cease.

4. Language only used for rituals at home. Most rituals cease at home.

5. Language dead, taking with it the culture associated with the language. In museums. Only linguists learn the language.

How to preserve?

Speak the language as much as possible. Read literature in the language. Write in your language, initially in the script that you know & later in the native script.

Idea credit: Kiran Varanasi

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