Monday, June 08, 2020

Are riots justified?

No one is perfect. Nothing is perfect. Everyone can & try to do more to improve themselves & their underlying societies.

Seeking justice is a right. Violent riots don't deliver justice. A judicial system exists because history has shown us that kangaroo courts don't deliver justice.

Supporting violent riots doesn't deliver justice. Would you support it if it were your home, business or neighborhood burning?

Racism is bad. Reverse racism & generalization against whites is also bad.

The police are people from our own society. They have signed up to put themselves in harm's way for a greater good. Just like there are bad apples in our society, there will be bad apples in every system. Generalizing & demonizing all police will demoralize the force. The next time an officer is called in to control a crime, if the officer is worrying about being called racist, suspended or dismissed, how will he do his job with full efficiency.

If the police choose to not respond owing to the media pressure, our neighborhoods will burn. The citizens will be forced to arm themselves to defend themselves. This can easily descend into vigilante chaos. Is this what we want?

USA has a robust political & judicial system and it is possible to make positive changes within the system. USA has enabled multiple immigrants from Africa & across the world to gain wealth, create wealth & lead peaceful lives. 

Don't like your political leader? Vote & campaign accordingly. 
Feel wronged? Approach the police or the courts.
Are the laws bad? Try to change the laws through your representatives.
USA has excellent freedom of speech laws. Speak up. Influence. Organize peaceful 'Satyagraha' rallies to get your message across.

Sometimes, the system (eg: a communist dictatorship) will not allow any dissent. This forced dissenters to use code language & write secretly, called Samizdat in the erstwhile Soviet Union. Most citizens of the world cannot even express themselves freely in today's world. Americans can. This is a gift precious beyond measure. Use it wisely.

Here is a message to all those who celebrated (overtly or covertly) the riots in USA. This country has faced far worse, learned from it & come out stronger. This will happen yet again.

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