Sunday, November 10, 2019

Janeu/Poonal-historical notes

Research: @TrueIndology

The Upanayanam ritual is described in the Smritis in minute detail by Smritikaras like Manu, Yajnavalkya, Gautama, Harita & Narada. For the ritual, there is an eligibility prerequisite of Gyana on part of both the Yajamana and Karta.

The "Kashi Yatra" ritual is traditionally performed during upanayana ceremony. Traditionally, young Indian students used to set out to Kashi to complete their education. The sishyas would learn under an Acharya/Guru.

The holy thread is called Yajnopavita, Poonal or Janeu.

This is the earliest known pictorial representation of sage Vishvamitra on the coins of Audambara king Dharaghosha. (Ancient Himachal Pradesh) with Shikha, Yajnopavita and wearing lion skin.
1st century BC, inscription in Kharoshti.  Picture courtesy British Museum

This is a Hoysala sculpture of Natya Sarasvati as a Brahmavadini wearing the Yajnopavita. Puranas like the Agni Purana, Padma Purana & Markandeya Purana depict Sarasvati with Yajnopavita, Kundalas & Jata-Mukuta.

Guru Nanak was invested with the Janeu at age 9, per the earliest source, Janamsakhi. 
A myth was later created that he rejected it. The B40 Janamsakhi, Mani Singh Janamsakhi & the Miharban Janamsakhi vividly describe the ceremony & don't mention the rejection myth. The Gurbani doesn't mention this myth as well. The Asa di var verse says that Bhakthi & Nama Sankirtana is the true unbreakable Janeu. The Suraj Pratap Granth talks about "Pandhe Prati Upadesh" & a long discourse but doesn't mention the rejection myth.

On Śrāvana Pūrnima, the Upākarma ritual is performed wherein Hindus change Yajñopavita. This is followed by visit of the people of the entire village or settlement to the houses of Brāhmaṇs. Then, the Brāhmaṇs tied a thread called rakṣikā to the wrist of people. This thread is an oath of protection. Sons tied it to their fathers. Sisters to their brothers. Brahmans to Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras. Even lovers to their beloved.

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