Thursday, November 07, 2019

The vagabond, the pot & the potter

In Tamizh, there is a popular folk song.
நந்தவனத்தில் ஓர் ஆண்டி - அவன்
நாலாறு மாதமாய்க் குயவனை வேண்டி
கொண்டு வந்தான் ஒரு தோண்டி - மெத்தக்
கூத்தாடிக் கூத்தாடிப் போட்டுடைத்தாண்டி

This was composed and sung by Shaiva Siddhars. Indian sayings are usually multi-layered.

The literal meaning:
There was a vagabond in a garden. He begged a potter for 10 months and got a pot. He played with it & ended up breaking it. This is subtly humorous in Tamizh.

The parenting meaning:
There was one without possessions in the garden that is the world. He worshipped the divine for 10 months and got a child. He celebrated the child, giving it everything it wanted and raised a spoilt brat.

The VedAnta meaning:
A JivAtma (soul) which is alone with nothing yearns for a material body. Worshipping the divine potter, it gets a pot (physical body). Ideally, the body could have been used for good pursuits & learning the ultimate truth. However, after obtaining the body, the mind goes after ephemeral material desires & ends up destroying it, rendering the entire life useless.

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