Thursday, February 24, 2022

Ethiopia slavery-curse of Ham-origin

Ethiopia was one of the last Christian countries to abolish slavery, in 1942.

Ethiopians regarded themselves as Hamito-Semitic people. Ethiopian emperor Menelik II regarded himself as a Caucasian.

Per Biblical theology, Noah (of the ark) had 3 sons: Shem, Ham & Japheth. Shem's descendants were the Semitics. Ham saw Noah naked in a drunken state & was cursed to have his descendants be slaves. Later, Ham became associated with blackness of the skin. Hence African Christians considered themselves Hamitic; hence considered themselves Caucasian. Ham's curse was used to justify enslaving black people by different churches. In Ethiopia's case, this was the Abysinnian Church. Ham's curse was also used to justify not allowing priesthood for black people by many Churches.

Research credit: Aryamsa


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