Saturday, August 15, 2020

Can we be free?

So many selflessly sacrificed so much for the freedoms that we enjoy today. We cannot hope to repay even a fraction of the debt we owe for these sacrifices. Can we do whatever little we can to preserve & enhance these freedoms?

So many animals & birds are locked up their entire lives, unable to move in factory farms. Can we give them freedom while they live?

Can we be free to think what we want without censoring our own thoughts? Can we be free to express what we truly think, without the risk of death, disappearance, imprisonment? Can mere words be countered by just words? Can we work to repeal 295a (hurting religious sentiments blasphemy law) & 66a (electronic media blasphemy law)?

Can we preserve the legal "presumption of innocence" & "innocent until proven guilty" doctrines? It is not logically possible to prove innocence in certain situations, while it is always logically possible to prove guilt. Can we work to revoke all laws that have a "guilty until proven innocent" presumption? Can we work to repeal 498a, 354a, 18a, 295a & 66a?

Can governments &  institutions free itself from religious, Jati & skin color tests in deciding distribution of subsidies, admissions & control of places of worship? Can it recognize that poverty knows no boundaries?

Can ancient unique traditions be free to continue the ways of their ancestors without being psychologically abused as wrong, false or demonic/Satanic?

Can our minds be free of its dehumanizing colonizing lens with which it views its own ancestral traditions & languages? Can our minds be decolonized?

Can we be free of our own material shell & mind and truly know ourselves within? Can we be free to know the ultimate truth? Can we be free to realize the ultimate permanent happiness?

Can we be free?

Om Om Om. 

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