Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Conservative or liberal?

Am I a conservative or a liberal?

Has the mind come up with an answer?

For Yogis, the answer would be none. The only good attachment is that which leads to detachment (like a lamp burning itself out, from the Upanishads).

For those of us non-Yogis, the mind probably attached itself to an ideology.

If a conservative, what does it mean? What are we seeking to conserve?

If a liberal, what is the mind open to?

Paradox: If we're seeking to conserve principles of openness & pluralism, are we liberals or conservatives?

The ancient Hindu world-view: The logic system used for arguments was not binary, it was Chatushkoti, which can derive the confusion matrix in Computer science. Choices are at least four. It is best not to get boxed into one silo.

If our mind is still boxed in, it is good to look for a definition.

Classical conservatism means that individual liberty is paramount. To the maximum extent possible, people can think, say & do whatever they want. There are some things that must be done as a collective, such as internal/external security. For that, we need a minimum government (given its propensity towards corruption) with minimum taxes. If you get more of your money, you can choose how to spend it or donate it.

Classical liberalism means being open to alternate points of view. This is possible only with individual liberty which allows freedom of thought, speech & expression. This means that Classical liberalism is surprisingly identical to Classical conservatism.

Having a huge government that collects high taxes & decides how to spread things around is a thought from Marxism. The government deciding how to spend money is a recipe for corruption & wasting money.

In today's world, we have people who censor speech & thought. And simultaneously call themselves liberals or conservatives.

In the Yaksha Prashnam & the Bhagavath Gita of the Mahabharatham, a question is posed as to who is a Brahmana. The answer comes back as one who exhibits the qualities (not one who calls oneself as one).

Similarly, one doesn't become a liberal or conservative by calling oneself as one. It is one's qualities which determine the ideology.

It is even better to work on improving our own qualities through knowledge (everyone knows something about something more than us) and through knowing our own mind better (through DhArana & DhyAna), and not get attached to any adjective.

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