श्लोकार्घेन प्रवक्ष्यामि यदुक्तं ग्रन्थकोटिभिः। ब्रह्म सत्यं जगन्मिथ्या जीवो ब्रह्मैव नापरः।
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
The history of Urdu
"Lughat-e-Kishwari is an authentic Urdu Dictionary compiled by Saiyad Tasadduq Husain.
In which the meaning of word Hindu is written as thief, dacoit, footpad and slave."
Linguistically speaking, Urdu is an Indo-Aryan language. As such, it is a descendant of Old Indo-Aryan(Vedic Sanskrit) of ancient Vedic people.
There is no such thing as "Urdu grammar".Even the word Urdu as a language did not exist until 1800. Before 1800, Urdu itself was referred to as "Hindi".Urdu is Hindi in Arabic script without Tatsamas.
Hindi is written in Nagari which was used even before birth of Islam.
There is no such thing as "Urdu grammar".Even the word Urdu as a language did not exist until 1800. Before 1800, Urdu itself was referred to as "Hindi".Urdu is Hindi in Arabic script without Tatsamas Hindi is written in Nagari which was used even before birth of Islam.
The word Urdu as a language first appears in the couplet of poet Mashafi (c.1800). Before this poet, Urdu itself as a name of language was was unheard of [ Source: A house divided: the origin and development of Hindi/Hindavi by Amrit Rai. Oxford University Press 1984]
check the census of 1911.The Majority of literate Hindus did not prefer Urdu (36/55). Majority of literate Sikhs also did not use Urdu(44/58). While almost all literate Muslims used Urdu (14/14).
Even among literate Hindus, 70% could not read or write Urdu. 1941 census shows even lower numbers.
Close to 30 percent Hindu Sikhs could not read or write Punjabi but only Urdu. While all Muslims who were literate wrote only Urdu. So it shows Urdu was most dominating language of Punjab even in 1911.
In early 20th cent, literacy of Punjabis in Urdu was higher than their literacy in either Punjabi or Hindi.
The word "Love Jihad" is of recent coinage. However, theme seems to have a history of 1000 years in India. The main theme of romantic poetry (Mathnawi) in Urdu and Persian was "A Muslim's love for Hindu girl,her conversion and victory of Islam over HInduism"
Even the love stories of Urdu poetry are about the Hindu girl's affair with the Muslim boy, her fight with her family and conversion. Screenshot excerpted from the book "Muslim Saints of South Asia" by Anna Suvorova, HOD of institute of Oriental studies, Routledge publication
The main theme of Urdu poetry is "Hindu Girl falling in love with Muslim boy and converting" in "The Hindus, An Alternative History" by Indologist Wendy Doniger with 5 decades of work. https://divinity.uchicago.edu/wendy-doniger
This is historian William Dalrymple talking about the same theme. Now, these are all historians of high repute. The undeniable fact is that there was a proliferation of such proselytization oriented love themes in medieval Urdu love poetry.
The society of Urdu poetry was full of pedophilia, slavery and opium Many of Ghalib's poems celebrate Pedphilia and sexual expolitation of young beardless slave boys
By late 19th century, Urdu society became so depraved that Urdu poets like Hali made it their mission to purge all the vulgarity and "boy-love poems" celebrated by the likes of Mirza Ghalib
Mirza Ghalib himself kept many boy slaves . Forget about the poem or its interpretation. Boy slaves continued to be sold like water in Urdu heartlands until British put an end to slavery
Urdu society of 19th century hailed Ghazni as a righteous king and establisher of Islam in Indian subcontinent It also celebrated the relationship of Muhammad Ghazni with his slave Malik Ayaz.
A 19th century painting from Urdu heartland celebrates their relationship. (Not shown here owing to the nature of the content).
Urdu literature until 1880 had more love songs on young boys than women Male sex slaves were powerful and won military victories.Women sex slaves were treated badly.
Khilji himself did not let women be his lifetime sex slaves. Once past their prime, women in sex harems were simply thrown into the fire.
Young male sex-slave Malik Kafur was a Hindu boy. He was abducted, castrated, converted and sold at a whopping price of 1000 dinars.
Sufi lovers were not homosexual. They were Pedophiles. Naẓar ila'l-Murd("Contemplation of the beardless") is a Sufi practice of "spiritual realization". Sufis inundated Urdu poetry with a lot of Pedophilic poems and medieval Mughal art had numerous Pedophilic depictions.
Begum Aizaz Rasool was a member of Muslim league. She was actively involved in splitting India. She stayed back and was made member of constituent assembly that drafted the constitution. She pushed for Muslim reservations and Urdu as National language. She was awarded Padma Bhushan in 2000. She was awarded Padma Bhushan in 2000 for her work in "minority welfare".
"The Bodhi language of Ladakh written in Ladakhi/Tibetan script. This is the native language of 200,000 Ladakhis.
In Punjab of 1911 out of every 1000 Hindus , only 55 were literate, 16 using Hindi, 20 used Punjabi and 19 Urdu. Only 16 out of 1k Muslims literate and all used Urdu. 58 out of 1k Sikhs literate, 14 used Urdu and 43 Punjabi.(3)
For 70 years until 370 was revoked, Urdu was imposed on them. Urdu was the only official language in Ladakh where nobody could speak Urdu which was completely alien to them.
Derogatory references to Kafir in popular Bollywood songs.
The Farsi origins of swear words.
In Punjab of 1911 out of every 1000 Hindus , only 55 were literate, 16 using Hindi, 20 used Punjabi and 19 Urdu. Only 16 out of 1k Muslims literate and all used Urdu. 58 out of 1k Sikhs literate, 14 used Urdu and 43 Punjabi.(3)
British colonial policy of encouraging Urdu, resulting in resentment. https://twitter.com/sukarma000/status/1282688965531676672
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Hindu India's contributions to the world - presentation
Text version of this presentation at:
Wednesday, May 08, 2019
Basavanna-Bhakthi & Karma
Source: @TrueIndology
It is NOT "Kailsa".There is no such thing as "Kailsa" in Kannada. It is ಕಾಯಕವೆ ಕೈಲಾಸ. It means body (ಕಾಯ) is abode of Lord Shiva ( ಕೈಲಾಸ ) .
It is a famous saying of Basavanna that for the one who has surrendered (ಶರಣ), his body itself is abode of the Lord Shiva (ಕೈಲಾಸ) . The interpretation "Work (ಕಾಯಕ) is Kailasa (ಕೈಲಾಸ)" is wrong. It does not even fit with the whole verse that reads as ಕಾಯಕವೆ ಕೈಲಾಸ ಕಾಣಿರೊ. You can "see" body but you cannot "see" work.
The whole poem is about Surrender(Sharana). When a body surrendered to the God sleeps (ಶರಣ ನಿದ್ರಗೈದಡೆ ), it will be seen by the world as chanting (ಜಪ ಕಾಣಿರೊ),. When a surrendered body wakes up (ಶರಣನೆದ್ದು ಕುಳಿದಡೇ) it is seen by the world as Shivaratri ( ಶಿವರಾತ್ರಿ ಕಾಣಿರೊ).
The very body of the person who has surrendered ( ಶರಣರ ಕಾಯಕವೆ) is seen by the world as Kailasa (ಕೈಲಾಸ ಕಾಣಿರೊ).
I am really surprised to see many people interpret this hymn as "work is worship". In Basavanna's world, Bhakti had much greater precedence over physical work in a materialistic universe
Tuesday, May 07, 2019
Buddha on an ideal wife
Source @TrueIndology
...Buddha listed Dasibhariya or slave-wife (who obediently receives beatings from Husband) as best wife...
This teaching of Buddha comes from Angutttara Nikaya (7.59). He says "A wife who remains calm when threatened with rod and submits to her husband's will will go to svarga('heaven')".
...Buddha listed Dasibhariya or slave-wife (who obediently receives beatings from Husband) as best wife...
This teaching of Buddha comes from Angutttara Nikaya (7.59). He says "A wife who remains calm when threatened with rod and submits to her husband's will will go to svarga('heaven')".
Ahimsa origins
In Samkya (the philosophy) & its cousin Yoga-the practice of realizing Samkya (Ashta-Anga Yoga), the first Anga is Yama. The first Yama is Ahimsa.
However, the original thoughts appear even earlier.
Earliest reference.
Anushashana Parva of the Mahabharatha
Srimad Bhagavatham on hunting
However, the original thoughts appear even earlier.
Earliest reference.
Anushashana Parva of the Mahabharatha
Yudhiṣṭhira questioning Bhishma on eating meat.
तद इच्छामि गुणाञ शरॊतुं मांसस्याभक्षणे ऽपि वा
भक्षणे चैव ये दॊषास तांश चैव पुरुषर्षभ
Bhishma's response concluding with:
अहिंसा परमॊ धर्मस्तथाहिंसा परॊ दमः
अहिंसा परमं दानमहिंसा परमं तपः (Mahābhārata 13.117.37)
This is the origin of the famous Ahimsa Paramo Dharmaha phrase. Ahimsa (non-cruelty towards animals) is the supreme Dharma.
Ahimsa in this context means non-cruelty towards creatures weaker than us.
Thiruvalluvar on Ahimsa
கொல்லான் புலாலை மறுத்தானைக் கைகூப்பி
எல்லா உயிருந் தொழும்.
திருக்குறள் 260-Ch 26
All living things will worship one who doesn't kill & abhors meat.
This குறள் was frequently used by Swami Haridas Giri.
எல்லா உயிருந் தொழும்.
திருக்குறள் 260-Ch 26
All living things will worship one who doesn't kill & abhors meat.
This குறள் was frequently used by Swami Haridas Giri.
Srimad Bhagavatham on hunting
Muchukunda is denied Moksha in his current Janma since he hunted animals in the current body, though he had other good deeds to his name. He is promised Moksha only in his next Janma (birth).
Bhagavad Gita on Ahimsa
अहिंसा सत्यमक्रोधस्त्याग: शान्तिरपैशुनम् |
दया भूतेष्वलोलुप्त्वं मार्दवं ह्रीरचापलम् || 16.2||
Ahimsa described as a virtuous quality of a saint.
Buddha on Ahimsa
The Jain Jivaka criticizes Buddha for eating meat. Buddha does not deny the charge, but says he has not seen the animal killed, nor heard it when it will killed and did not know it was killed for him. So he is exempt from any sin
Buddha's teachers were Alara Kalam & Uddhaka Ramaputra, who were teaching Rishi Kapila's Samkya. Many teachings are derived from Samkya. Kapila on Ahimsa & animal sacrifice.
“The word ajā not only means ‘goat’. It also means ‘seed’. If you, purohitas, wish to sacrifice, you may sacrifice a seed”
-Kapila(as one of the seven Nivrtti sages)
(MB XII.324)
“No law is higher than non-violence”
-Kapila to the sage Syumareshmi (seeing an animal tied up for sacrifice)
( Mahabharata XII.260.17)
“Fearlessness to all living beings from my side! Svaha!”
(Baudhayana Grihya Sutra, 4.16.4)
Buddha also followed suit & criticized animal sacrifice but did not prohibit meat.
The Jain Jivaka criticizes Buddha for eating meat. Buddha does not deny the charge, but says he has not seen the animal killed, nor heard it when it will killed and did not know it was killed for him. So he is exempt from any sin
In ancient and Medieval India, schools which criticized Buddhism on meat eating, like Jains and Vaishnavas, actually targeted Buddhism on this point. They said "if only Butcher gets sin and everybody else is exempt from it, nobody wants to be a butcher."
There is a record which says that Buddha died after he ate pork(sukara maddava) as his last meal. Mahayanists dispute this meaning. Whatever may have been his cause of his death, other Suttas give us the clear information that Buddha ate pork (Sukara Mamsa).
Buddha does not prohibit meat among the things which could be legibly consumed by Buddhists. When Devadutta proposed the introduction of Vegetarianism among Buddhists, Buddha explicitly declined it.
Buddha however put a restriction for formality. He said whoever did not see and hear the slaughter of animal and did not know it was killed for them could eat the meat without any sin attached to them. This restriction exempts everyone except butchers from sin (who would see, hear the slaughter or know it was specifically for them) . You acquire sin of meat eating if you are a butcher or if you see the animal killed. This was Buddha's position.
What is more surprising is the fact that even early Jains had such a position. Oldest Jain scriptures include meat among the foods that could be consumed by Jain monks.
When Buddhists and Jains did not themselves have any such concept of Vegetarianism, how fair is it to trace the idea back to them? Among all the oldest scriptures, I would say Anushasana Parva of Mahabharata is the strongest proponent of Vegetarianism. Here, Bhishma is a very clear and unequivocal proponent of Ethical Vegetarianism. I would still say Vegetarianism was a Pan-Dharmic ideological movement which emerged after the vedic age. The Brahmin and Vaishnava texts began to clearly prefer vegetarianism. While Manusmriti does not prohibit meat eating, it still says vegetarianism is preferable because no animal would be killed. This was the period when Jains became fully Vegetarian and even a Buddhist like Ashoka began to adopt it.
Early Jain scriptures list meat among accepted foods is a consensus among Jain scholarship. Source: Early Jain scriptures & the works of Jain scholarship like Flugel and Suzoko Ohira. Eg: Snippet from the work of American Indologist Bronkhorst who discusses meat and fish in Jain canonical scriptures and speculates that Jains may have turned Vegetarian only after their mass exodus from Mathura https://imgur.com/a/xeNJt93 Another Source: Upinder Singh and DN Jha( in his book on the myth of Holy cow).
Early Jain scriptures list meat among accepted foods is a consensus among Jain scholarship. Source: Early Jain scriptures & the works of Jain scholarship like Flugel and Suzoko Ohira. Eg: Snippet from the work of American Indologist Bronkhorst who discusses meat and fish in Jain canonical scriptures and speculates that Jains may have turned Vegetarian only after their mass exodus from Mathura https://imgur.com/a/xeNJt93 Another Source: Upinder Singh and DN Jha( in his book on the myth of Holy cow).
"There is no sin in eating meat...but abstention brings greater reward." (MS 5.56)
"By not harming any living being one becomes fit for salvation" (MS 6.60)
"There is no sin in eating meat...but abstention brings greater reward." (MS 5.56)
"By not harming any living being one becomes fit for salvation" (MS 6.60)
chapter 5 verse 45 of Manusmriti says:
“He who injures innoxious beings from a wish to (give) himself pleasure, never finds happiness, neither living nor dead”
Manusmriti 5.47 says:
“He who does not injure any (creature), attains without an effort what he thinks of, what he undertakes, and what he fixes his mind on.”
“Meat can never be obtained without injury to living creatures, and injury to sentient beings is detrimental to (the attainment of) heavenly bliss; let him therefore shun (the use of) meat.”
Manusmriti 5.49 says:
“Having well considered the (disgusting) origin of flesh and the (cruelty of) fettering and slaying corporeal beings, let him entirely abstain from eating flesh.”
Manusmriti 5.51 says:
“He who permits (the slaughter of an animal), he who cuts it up, he who kills it, he who buys or sells (meat), he who cooks it, he who serves it up, and he who eats it, (must all be considered as) the slayers (of the animal).”
Further references:
Yajurvedam 12.32: May you not kill any creature by your body (मा हिन्सिस्तन्वा प्रजा:)
Atharva-vedam 19.48.5: noble souls are those who protect all animals (पशुं ये सर्वान् रक्षन्ति) & also prays that our behavior does not afflict any animal.
Atharva-vedam 6.140.2: "let’s our teeth eat rise, beans, sesame but not anything which is capable of being father & mother"
Bhagvata Puranam 10.10.9: Those who kill innocent animals are bad.
Brahmanda Puranam says that it is evil to cause injury to animals in Yajna.
Mahabharata, Anushasana Parvam 114.15 says that foolish meat eaters will not be able to enjoy the pleasure of heaven because they will never attain it.
Markandeya Puranam 15.43-45: “Compassion towards all Creatures are qualities of sinless”
Sri Krishna in Bhagvath Gita 16.2 describes Ahimsa as a high quality of a person.
Vishnu Puranam 3.8.10 “Those who do violence against others, they do it against Lord Viṣṇu as he is present in all beings.”
Monday, May 06, 2019
Hindu numerals
Source: @TrueIndology
Reference to Hindu numerals (taught as Arabic numerals).
This is an inscription dated 876 CE from Chaturbhuj Temple of Gwalior. Can you guess the content inside the highlighted box? Yes, it is the number 270. Inscription records a garden 270 hastas wide.
Chess origins
Source: @TrueIndology
This chess board excavated from Lothal, Gujarat is the earliest ever chessboard known to the history of mankind. It belongs to Indus Valley Civilization and dates back to c.2300 BCE. The board was used to play an early form of Chess. It belongs to period I of Lothal. Chess was known in Sanskrit literature as "Chaturanga" (literally meaning "four divisions" of Cavalry (knight), Infantry (pawns), Elephantry (bishop) and Chariotry (rook). It was borrowed into Persian as "Shatra...nj" and thence known to the West and in English as "Chess" This board was discovered by an independent Italian team.
This chess board excavated from Lothal, Gujarat is the earliest ever chessboard known to the history of mankind. It belongs to Indus Valley Civilization and dates back to c.2300 BCE. The board was used to play an early form of Chess. It belongs to period I of Lothal. Chess was known in Sanskrit literature as "Chaturanga" (literally meaning "four divisions" of Cavalry (knight), Infantry (pawns), Elephantry (bishop) and Chariotry (rook). It was borrowed into Persian as "Shatra...nj" and thence known to the West and in English as "Chess" This board was discovered by an independent Italian team.
Source: Archaeological survey of India, Lothal excavation findings (1985 publication)
An early Persian painting depicts an Indian ambassador( shown in dark skin) introducing Chess to Persians in the Pre Islamic Sassanid court. Through Persians, the game was learnt by Arabs and Europeans. The king who introduced Chess is named in Persian sources as "Deva Sharma". He was an Indian envoy who introduced chess at the court of Anushirvan. He is shown playing chess with the vizier Buzurgmihir.
Here is an ancient chess piece that was originally from India. It was carved out of ivory and probably denoted rook/elephant. It fell into Arab hands when they conquered Sind. It is now in Louvre Museum, Paris.
Chess used to be prohibited in some cultures.
Flush toilet origins
Source: @TrueIndology
Lothal. World's earliest indoor flush toilet system in private houses. (c.2400 BCE). Gujarat, Indus Valley Civilization.
From the excavation report, made of terracotta.
Remains of a bathroom complex from Lothal, site of Sarasvati-Sindhu civilization around 2500 BCE..

Flush toilet from Mohenjo Daro site of Sarasvati-Sindhu or Harappan civilization around 2500 BCE. When most part of the world (including other regions of India) lived as hunter gatherers in caves & jungles, the SSC had such an advanced sanitary system..
Lothal. World's earliest indoor flush toilet system in private houses. (c.2400 BCE). Gujarat, Indus Valley Civilization.
From the excavation report, made of terracotta.
Remains of a bathroom complex from Lothal, site of Sarasvati-Sindhu civilization around 2500 BCE..

Flush toilet from Mohenjo Daro site of Sarasvati-Sindhu or Harappan civilization around 2500 BCE. When most part of the world (including other regions of India) lived as hunter gatherers in caves & jungles, the SSC had such an advanced sanitary system..

Pipe drainage system from Dholavira site of Sarasvati-Sindhu or Harappan civilization. Perhaps this is 1 of the earliest example of pipe in the world. Clearly Sarasvati-Sindhu civilization was far ahead of most regions of world where people lived as nomads or as hunter-gatherers.

Brain surgery origins
Source: @TrueIndology
The earliest evidence of Brain surgery from Indus valley Cvilization(c.2300 BCE).Surgical hole drilled through skull
The earliest evidence of Brain surgery from Indus valley Cvilization(c.2300 BCE).Surgical hole drilled through skull
Plastic Surgery origins
Source: @TrueIndology
Columbia University acknowledges that ṛṣi Suśruta is the father of Surgery.
Source: "An account of two successful operations " by Joseph Constantine Carpue. His book can be accessed at https://archive.org/details/b22017380. The relevant quotes excerpted in this post can be found on Page 40
Image source: https://blogs.bl.uk/scien…/…/10/britains-first-nose-job.html
Joseph Constantine Carpue is today regarded as the father of Plastic Surgery. But in his book "An account of two successful operations .." , he acknowledges it was performed by "Indians from time immemorial".He learnt it through his friends who copied from "Hindoo practitioners"
This is the picture of world's first known modern plastic surgery. It is also the picture of world's first known modern nose job. It was performed by a traditional Indian surgeon named Kumar.
A Britisher named Lucas observed in action the traditional Indian surgery of Cowasji and documented every detail. These details were accessed by a scientist named Joseph Constantine Carpue. Using these techniques, he performed world's first "modern Rhinoplasty" 20 years later
At that time,the Europeans lacked the scientific knowledge and expertise needed to perform plastic surgery.They were greatly intrigued by this method and found it was commonly performed in India.They also noted how Susruta samhita describes the procedure of Rhinoplasty in detail This is the world's earliest known portrait of plastic surgery. Further details can be found here (from archives of British Museum)
A bullock driver named Cowasji had been imprisoned by Tipu sultan and his nose cut off in prison. His nose was later restored by a traditional Surgeon named Kumar using "ancient Indian methods" in 1794 CE. This was a British portrait of Cowasji AFTER Rhinoplasty dated 1795 CE

Nasal reconstructions had been practiced as a relatively routine procedure in India for centuries. The procedures are described in two well-known early Indian medical works, the Suśruta Saṃhitā, thought to date to the middle of the first millennium BCE, and theAṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā, believed to date from the sixth century CE*. By the nineteenth century the technique had been handed down through separate families in three different parts of India. Traditional Indian sources recommend that Kumbhakaras(potters) perform the surgery owing to their skill. They performed it till 18th century.
Columbia University acknowledges that ṛṣi Suśruta is the father of Surgery.
Source: "An account of two successful operations " by Joseph Constantine Carpue. His book can be accessed at https://archive.org/details/b22017380. The relevant quotes excerpted in this post can be found on Page 40
Image source: https://blogs.bl.uk/scien…/…/10/britains-first-nose-job.html
Joseph Constantine Carpue is today regarded as the father of Plastic Surgery. But in his book "An account of two successful operations .." , he acknowledges it was performed by "Indians from time immemorial".He learnt it through his friends who copied from "Hindoo practitioners"
This is the picture of world's first known modern plastic surgery. It is also the picture of world's first known modern nose job. It was performed by a traditional Indian surgeon named Kumar.
A Britisher named Lucas observed in action the traditional Indian surgery of Cowasji and documented every detail. These details were accessed by a scientist named Joseph Constantine Carpue. Using these techniques, he performed world's first "modern Rhinoplasty" 20 years later
At that time,the Europeans lacked the scientific knowledge and expertise needed to perform plastic surgery.They were greatly intrigued by this method and found it was commonly performed in India.They also noted how Susruta samhita describes the procedure of Rhinoplasty in detail This is the world's earliest known portrait of plastic surgery. Further details can be found here (from archives of British Museum)
A bullock driver named Cowasji had been imprisoned by Tipu sultan and his nose cut off in prison. His nose was later restored by a traditional Surgeon named Kumar using "ancient Indian methods" in 1794 CE. This was a British portrait of Cowasji AFTER Rhinoplasty dated 1795 CE
Nasal reconstructions had been practiced as a relatively routine procedure in India for centuries. The procedures are described in two well-known early Indian medical works, the Suśruta Saṃhitā, thought to date to the middle of the first millennium BCE, and theAṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā, believed to date from the sixth century CE*. By the nineteenth century the technique had been handed down through separate families in three different parts of India. Traditional Indian sources recommend that Kumbhakaras(potters) perform the surgery owing to their skill. They performed it till 18th century.
British era painting of potters
Surgery origins
Source: @TrueIndology
This ancient terracotta model from Kaushambi (UP) is earliest archaeological depiction of surgery in India and indeed the earliest depiction of surgery in the whole of Asia. It is dated to c.150 CE. It depicts a surgical dissection of male stomach. It is now housed in Allahabad Museum Kaushambi is the capital of ancient Vatsa kingdom. According to Ancient Indian epics, Nachiketa was fifth king of Pandava line and a descendant of Abhimanyu. When Hastinapura was washed away ...by flood, he shifted his capital to Kaushambi. He also brought with him the Chyavana priests, who were worshipers of Ashvins (cf. Adiparva, Mahabharata) and experts in medicine. It is possible that this model owes its origin to Chyavana school (or its descendants) Image source: http://museumsofindia.gov.in/…/rec…/alh_ald-AM-TC-K3179-5078
These students were from the school of Sushruta. At the age of 8,they were trained in Vedas. After that,they were trained as doctors for 6 yrs In this picture, they are shown performing mock surgery on watermelons and cucumbers. As such, they are the earliest recorded surgeons of World
This ancient terracotta model from Kaushambi (UP) is earliest archaeological depiction of surgery in India and indeed the earliest depiction of surgery in the whole of Asia. It is dated to c.150 CE. It depicts a surgical dissection of male stomach. It is now housed in Allahabad Museum Kaushambi is the capital of ancient Vatsa kingdom. According to Ancient Indian epics, Nachiketa was fifth king of Pandava line and a descendant of Abhimanyu. When Hastinapura was washed away ...by flood, he shifted his capital to Kaushambi. He also brought with him the Chyavana priests, who were worshipers of Ashvins (cf. Adiparva, Mahabharata) and experts in medicine. It is possible that this model owes its origin to Chyavana school (or its descendants) Image source: http://museumsofindia.gov.in/…/rec…/alh_ald-AM-TC-K3179-5078
These students were from the school of Sushruta. At the age of 8,they were trained in Vedas. After that,they were trained as doctors for 6 yrs In this picture, they are shown performing mock surgery on watermelons and cucumbers. As such, they are the earliest recorded surgeons of World
Calculus origins
Western Indologists unanimously accept that calculus was invented in India centuries before it was invented in the west. And some Indologists have also accepted that knowledge of Calculus was transmitted from India to Europe.
"Priority of Keralese in calculus over Netwon and Leibnitz is now beyond doubt"-Paul Ernest, Math historian(2011) Recently, historians have found evidence that knowledge of kerala school of Mathematics was transmitted to Europe
Differential Calculus: The Principles of Differential Calculus were earliest stated in India by Hindu Mathematicians in Sanskrit Mañjula(932 CE) in his work Laghumānasa states the Differential Formula of the Sine Function in the following form : Sinθ′−Sinθ = Cosθ(θ′−θ) where (θ′−θ) tends to 0. https://twitter.com/TIinExile/status/1198240459476197376 https://twitter.com/Herran_Ukkonen/status/1198123321545515008 https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1198123321545515008.html
Critical Issues in Mathematics Education
edited by Bharath Sriraman, Paul Ernest, Brian Greer
Trigonometry & Power Series origin: Tantrasamgraha
Source: @TrueIndology

Tantrasamgraha discusses all aspects of mathematical astronomy such as longitudes and latitudes of planets diurnal problems, eclipses, visibility & time. Tantrasamgraha was the first work in the world to define trigonometric functions in terms of right angles rather than circles. The work deduces 1000 odd trigonometrical identities most of which are valid to this day.
The tantrasamgraha-vakhya gives the derivations for arc sine, arc cos and arc tan.
Tantrasamgraha-vakhya was the first work in the world to derive and use power series
Composed c.1500 CE in kerala,Tantrasamgraha is an astronomical treatise took world trigonometry to new heightsTantrasamgraha discusses all aspects of mathematical astronomy such as longitudes and latitudes of planets diurnal problems, eclipses, visibility & time. Tantrasamgraha was the first work in the world to define trigonometric functions in terms of right angles rather than circles. The work deduces 1000 odd trigonometrical identities most of which are valid to this day.
The tantrasamgraha-vakhya gives the derivations for arc sine, arc cos and arc tan.
Power series
Tantrasamgraha-vakhya was the first work in the world to derive and use power series
Ancient Arabs on Hindu civilization
Source: @TrueIndology
Hindu India was ahead of everyone else in the world in Mathematics, sciences,Literature Astronomy and Arts.These are the words of an 8th century Arab scholar. The scholar in question is Arabic Philosopher Al Jahiz(c.800 CE) [^Source of above snippet: The life and works of Jāḥiẓ. Jahiz, Charles Prett, University of California Press, 1969].
"The first nation to have cultivated science is India. Indians have surpassed all other countries in Medical science and Astronomy"-Al Andalusi. Andalusi(c.1000 CE) remarks on Indians:

Source. Said Al Andalusi's book Ṭabaqāt al-ʼUmam. Chapter 5' 1068 CE.
Hindu India was ahead of everyone else in the world in Mathematics, sciences,Literature Astronomy and Arts.These are the words of an 8th century Arab scholar. The scholar in question is Arabic Philosopher Al Jahiz(c.800 CE) [^Source of above snippet: The life and works of Jāḥiẓ. Jahiz, Charles Prett, University of California Press, 1969].
"The first nation to have cultivated science is India. Indians have surpassed all other countries in Medical science and Astronomy"-Al Andalusi. Andalusi(c.1000 CE) remarks on Indians:
Source. Said Al Andalusi's book Ṭabaqāt al-ʼUmam. Chapter 5' 1068 CE.
"India is known for wisdom of its people. it is a rich nation.Even though Indians are dark like Africans. Indians are source of fairness, objectivity and wisdom. Even though Indians are dark like Africans,Allah did not give the low character.He ranked them above whites"
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