Saturday, October 05, 2019

The buffalo-Kala, Kali & Durga

Kala means time. It also means death. He is shown as riding the Indian water buffalo, which walks slowly. Time & death comes for everyone & everything. Slowly & surely.

Kali represents the female form of time. She destroys the Rakta Bhijasura, the seed demon, who replicates himself. All species replicate themselves. She who destroys everything, species, empires, dynasties, civilizations, ideologies, faiths, religions. This also represents our own mind. One thought leads to another & yet another, constantly replicating. She destroys the chatter in our own mind, leading us to know who we truly are.

Durga is Mahishasura Mardhini, the destroyer of the the Mahisha (buffalo) demon. Mahisha represents the Tamasa Guna (the Guna that represents laziness, ignorance and the inability to differentiate between right and wrong). Durga means difficult to reach. Durga is our own inner Shakti, who is difficult to reach, but once reached through Yoga, is who destroys our Tamasa Guna.

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