Gora Kumbhar, the potter had a few guests. The four siblings, Nivritti, Gnaneshwar, Sopan & the little sister Mukta Bai had arrived, along with Namadevar.
The little Mukta, the embodiment of Shakti, decides on a small Leela (play) & asks the old potter.
"How do you make pots?"
"Just as Panduranga makes everything & everyone as pots from the 5 elements of earth, water, fire, air & space, I make pots from just earth".
"How do you decide if the pot is correctly baked?"
"I hit it with a stick & listen to the sound".
"Can you also hit us, the pots of Panduranga, with this stick & see if we're baked or unbaked? Please Mama (uncle), Please. My brothers first."
Gora Kumbhar gently taps a smiling Nivritti, Gnaneshwar & Sopan.
"Please tap me, please..."
Gora Kumbhar gently taps a giggling Mukta. Namadevar is just sitting aloof.
"Mama, please tap Namadevar Mama as well."
Gora Kumbhar hesitates. Namadevar doesn't seem too approving.
"Oh please, tap him as well."
Gora Kumbar taps Namadevar, who explodes in rage. "What kind of a stupid game is this?"
Now, Mukta says: "Oh, so this is the unbaked pot!"
With a face blackened with anger & humiliation, Namadevar storms out, ignoring Gora Kumbhar's apologies & explanation that he was only humoring a child.
He repeatedly complains to Panduranga. "Me, your Bhakta, who is constantly singing your names & your glory, how could I be subject to such humiliation?" When normally he would get a response, he gets only a surprising silence. Dejected, when he goes to take his life, finally he gets a response. "It is you who has humiliated my Bhakta, Gora Kumbhar by storming out when ignoring him. And Mukta is right; you are an unbaked pot. Find yourself a Guru & get yourself ready."
And Namadevar goes in search of a Guru. (Read that story here.)