While Direct Action & the religious partition of India can be blamed on Jinnah, Independent India has exhibited weakness.
Pakistan's minority population was wiped out, while India watched.
India failed to protect Tibet; worse it supplied the invading CCP who had logistics issues.
It could not prevent the 1971 Bengal genocide, where 9% of the population was wiped out in 9 months. This was accompanied by brutalities against women. To its credit, it did manage to free Bangladesh post genocide, but gave back hard-won territory & released 93k enemy soldiers including ~150 senior officers without ensuring release of its own soldiers. The world ignored the genocide, an indication of the dehumanization (an exception was the US ambassador in East Pakistan who wrote "The Blood Telegram" later). Worse, the UN under US' Nixon/Kissinger passed an infamous resolution censuring India while ignoring the genocide (which would be regretted later).
India would fail to prevent the persecution & exodus of the Punjabi Hindus by the Khalistanis. To its credit, It did manage to put a lid on the Khalistanis later.
India would again be helpless in the repeat Kashmiri Pandit genocide & exodus.
While the Jews are very well aware of their holocaust, the Indians seem ignorant of their history, which unfortunately keeps repeating. The state, media & education system play a part in keeping these unpleasant events from public memory, in the hope that it won't recur. It is not working. Hindus have simply traded two prior colonizations for a subtle third one.
The world & media will play up their favorite victims & ignore the dehumanized ones. The dehumanized cannot rely on the world or media as has been clear on their inaction on the Yazidi or Bengal genocide & the callous unneeded wars. The media has a Euro centric bias, where they will amplify issues in their society while report on Africa or Asia only if it suits their narratives. That's why any issue affecting European culture in Europe, USA or Australia gets far more mindshare. They only care about themselves & the sepoys (or who Malcolm X provocatively called the house slaves) only care about their masters, while ignoring or talking down Asia or Africa.
After the final Anglo-Maratha & Ango-Sikh war, the British East India Company shut down India's weapons & mines, while preventing Indians from bearing arms. These laws continue till today. By demilitarizing, the weak set themselves up for genocide, when the state proves weak & incompetent to prevent this.
In other societies in the world, notably in Communist & fascist regimes, forced demilitarization of the population was followed by genocide.
Earlier, influenced by Michael Moore's iconic "Bowling for Columbine", I was against civilians holding arms. Studying history has changed my opinion. Only those with mental health issues shouldn't have weapons.
History also has a solution. The Bhakthi & Namasankirtana following Sikhs, once they militarized, did suffer losses, but were eventually able to establish an empire. A Shivaji who organized the then weak Marathas against the mighty Moghul Aurangzeb, suffered losses but eventually established a sprawling Maratha empire. From the ruins after the Alauddin Khilji Delhi Sultanate raids, through organizing & militarizing, Vijayanagara would become a powerful & prosperous empire.
History shows that once organization & militarization yields dividends. Strengthening the Indian state & making it less bigoted towards the Hindus, while organizing & militarizing the weak, with a sense of Dharma towards protecting the weak & innocent will yield dividends. We can all do our bit in working towards this goal.