Suśruta-Saṃhitā: four types of ‘vyādhi’s (diseases)
(1) ‘āgantu’ (आगन्तु, “arriving”): caused by an external injury to the body
(2) ‘śārīra’ (शारीर, “of the body”): caused by imbalance of one or more of wind, bile, phlegm, blood; rooted in food and drink (=improper diet)
(3) ‘mānasa’ (मानस, “of the mind”): caused by anger, grief, fear, delight, distress, jealousy, indignation, wretchedness, malice, lust, greed; rooted in various types of desires and hate
(4) ‘svābhāvika’ (स्वाभाविक, “natural”): thirst, hunger, old age, death, sleep, etc.
तेषामागन्तवोऽभिघातनिमित्ताः, शारीरास्त्वन्नपानमूलावातपित्तकफशोणितसन्निपातवैषम्यनिमित्ताः, मानसास्तुक्रोधशोकभयहर्षविषादेर्ष्याभ्यसूयादैन्यमात्सर्यकामलोभप्रभृतय इच्छाद्वेषभेदैर्भवन्ति, स्वाभाविकास्तु क्षुत्पिपासाजरामृत्युनिद्राप्रकृतयः
(सुश्रुतसंहिता १.१.२३)