Saturday, October 24, 2020

Navaratri: the inner foes

Navaratri 1: Shakti defeats काम (Kama), desire itself.

Navaratri 2: Shakti defeats क्रोध Krodha-Anger, which results from unfulfilled desire (काम).

Navaratri 3: Shakti defeats मोह Moha (delusion), the nature of the mind that prevents understanding oneself.

Navaratri 4: Shakti defeats लोभ Lobha (loosely translated to greed), the nature of the mind to desire more of a fulfilled desire काम (wealthy seeking more wealth, powerful seeking more power, famous seeking more fame).

Navaratri 5: Shakti defeats मद Madha (pride/arrogance), the nature of the mind once desire काम & further desire of what it already has लोभ is fulfilled (once one is highly powerful, knowledgeable, wealthy or famous).

नवरात्रि Navaratri 6: Shakti defeats मात्सर्य Matsarya (envy). When काम desire is unfulfilled, after an initial anger (क्रोध Krodha), it can putrefy into envy (eg: when a peer passes us in career position, fame, wealth, family happiness).

With this, Shakti has defeated षड्रिपु, the 6 enemies of our internal happiness.

नवरात्रि Navaratri 7: Shakti defeats स्वार्थ (SvArtha-selfishness). 

The पुरुषार्थ (Purushartha-the human purpose) is that one can follow desires (Kama काम) & find one's purpose/meaning in life (Artha अर्थ) but be bound by Dharma धर्मः with a goal of Moksha मोक्ष. 

Focusing purely on one's own Artha makes it SvArtha, which benefits oneself alone & can be detrimental to the greater well-being, which the divine mother within defeats.

नवरात्रि Navaratri 8: Shakti defeats अन्याय (Anyaya-injustice). Following काम (Kama-desire) can lead to लोभ (Lobha-greed) & मात्सर्य (Matsarya-envy). This path will eventually lead one down the path of breaking of good rules of conduct.

नवरात्रि Navaratri 9: Shakti शक्ति  defeats अमानवता (brutal barbarous cruelty). Following our काम (Kama-desire) can lead to लोभ (Lobha-greed), मात्सर्य (Matsarya-envy), अन्याय (injustice) & eventually अमानवता (extreme cruelty). 

Think we're not capable of extreme cruelty? Just the desire of our taste buds has resulted in horrifying animal factory farms. Just a desire to enforce 'what we know to be the one true knowledge' resulted in unimaginable horrors.

The divine mother within can make us understand ourselves & the knowledge within to defeat our inner cruel tendencies.

After नवरात्रि Navaratri: Victorious Day 10: विजयदशमी: Shakti शक्ति  defeats अहंकार (our sense of being separate from the all pervading divinity). This is the root of काम (Kama-desire for something external) that leads to every other problem. This is the final state of Yoga योग. With this, the 10 bad inner qualities are vanquished (दशहरा - Dushahara or Dussehra).

Friday, October 23, 2020

Rig Veda-Noble thoughts

Rig Veda 1.89.1

आ नो भद्राः करतवो कष्यन्तु विश्वतो.अदब्धासो अपरीतास उद्भिदः |

देवा नो यथा सदमिद वर्धे असन्नप्रायुवो रक्षितारो दिवे-दिवे ||

"May noble thoughts come to us from everywhere with divine guidance & protection."

(Like the Hamsa, take the good & leave the bad from any source).

Friday, October 16, 2020

The girl who lost her father and more...

 She was a beautiful & studious girl & the only child of a wealthy family in Chennai. She was also well-versed in Samskritam. One devastating day, she lost her father.

A person started helping out the family & developed a relationship. He offered to marry her, though he belonged to a different religion. He spoke to the mother repeatedly that he would take great care of the daughter. He offered to even live with the family. After a year of wooing, the family & the girl agreed.

They were married per dual religious customs.

He needed some money for his business. Then more. Then more. Gradually, the family wealth dwindled.

One day, when mother & daughter returned home, the entire Pooja room was bare. He said that it was wrong to keep these in the home. He had trashed all the deity pictures & vigrahas from the home. This was in the girl's family home that he had moved into.

He started asking his wife to start covering her hair. Though academically brilliant, she was too soft-spoken to refuse. She meekly started obeying. Eventually, he forced her to quit her job.

He asked her to not study Samskritam or say Slokas anymore. He forced her to start studying a different language & script. She meekly obeyed.

Eventually, his business ended up in a huge debt that the family had to sell their home & move. The mother lamented that she had made a huge mistake. However, the daughter was now pregnant. She hoped that things would become better after the baby was born.

I don't know what became of the family afterwards.

"Primary" vs "Secondary counter" religions

A "primary religion" evolves over centuries & is intertwined with culture, society & language.

A "secondary counter religion" uses elements from the primary religion but has a founding event with claims of being exclusively & universally true while all competing faiths are false. It looks down upon its parent primary religion.

Originally proposed as a bucket where religions are force-fitted, a spectrum makes more sense.

Ref: German Egyptologist Jan Assman's "The price of Monotheism"

Memetic culture & its alternative

 Our own behavior & culture tends to be memetic. This means: we naturally tend to behave like our family, friends & people who we see & move with. We will also tend to be influenced by the entertainment & media that we choose to consume. We may also end up in echo chambers where no contrary opinion is allowed.

Through rigor, self-analysis & observing our own mind, we can start to free ourselves from memetic behavior & think independently & critically.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Is my ideology good or bad?

 A good ideology is one that is open to criticism & debate, understands that truth is a journey of discovery.

A bad ideology will lay sole claim to the truth, which time will disprove. It will criticize competitors but will silence critics through bullying tactics (name-calling, shaming), economic power (special taxes, hiring/firing for expressing opinions) & finally, threat of physical violence (eg: flogging, imprisonment) or even death.

Unknowingly, our own minds may be led astray to become unwitting participants of the bad ideology through the power of marketing backed by huge money & creative minds. Yoga & Dhyana can help us know our minds a little better & help it avoid an echo chamber.

Friday, October 09, 2020

Where is Divinity? What direction is it facing? What is it doing now? -Script for a play

Scene with king & the court poet.

King: "Dear poet, if one does wrong but later realizes the mistake, how does one become good?"

Poet: "When one realizes one's error, one automatically becomes good."

King: "How does someone good become divine?"

Poet: "One becomes what one focuses on. One becomes divine by focusing on the divine."

King: "Where is the divine? What direction is it facing? What is it doing now?"

Poet: "Divinity is everywhere, within you & me as well."

King: "This is not convincing to me. Answer my questions precisely. Answer me tomorrow morning."

Scene with poet & grandchild.

Child: "You look troubled. What's bothering your, Grandpa?"

Poet: "The king has asked me 3 questions that I'm supposed to answer precisely. I don't know how to answer them."

Child: "What are the questions?"

Poet: "Where is the divine? What direction is it facing? What is it doing now?"

Child: "These questions are simple, Grandpa. Don't worry. I'll answer them in the court for you. I won't tell you the answers now. Listen to them in the court with the king."

Scene with poet, grandchild & the king.

King: "Do you have the answers to my questions, dear poet? Swagatham, dear child. Dear poet, your grandchild is very cute. What brings you here today, dear child?"

Child: "Pardon me, dear king. Only a child is appropriate to answer questions with a child-like curiosity. I've come to answer your questions on behalf of Grandpa. May I do so?"

King: "But these questions have deep import. How can a child answer it?"

Child: "Didn't the child Murugan teach Shiva the meaning of Om? Knowledge knows no age."

King: "Well spoken, child. You have shown that you are the grandchild of our scholarly court poet."

Child: "So, what was your first question?"

King: "Where is the divine?"

Child: "Can you please request the cook to bring a platter of these items on this list?"

King: "Sure."

Child: "What is there in this platter?"

King: "Why this silly question that everyone can answer? You have milk, curd, yogurt, butter, ghee, paneer cheese."

Child: "What did all these forms come from?"

King: "From the milk, of course."

Child: "Show me the milk in the curd, yogurt, butter, ghee, paneer cheese."

King: "It is inherent, within these items themselves."

Child: "Similarly, the divine is inherent, within everything."

King: "What an amazing answer, dear child. You are indeed wise beyond your age. You have truly show that wisdom has no age boundaries."

Child: "Thank you, dear king. What was your 2nd question?"

King: "What direction is the divine facing?"

Child, pointing to a lamp: "What direction does the fire in this lamp give light?"

King: "It is no single direction. In all directions."

Child: "Similarly, the all-pervading divinity faces & lights up all directions."

King: "You are no mere child, you are my Guru."

Child: "You're too gracious, dear king. What was your 3rd question?"

King: "What is the divine doing now?"

Child: "To answer this, you've to crown me ruler."

King: "Of course, wise child. You're my Guru. Anything you ask."

King crowns the child ruler.

Child: "Now, I'm the ruler & you're an ordinary citizen, right?"

King: "That is indeed so."

Child, harshly: "Seize this man. Thrown him in the dungeons. Banish all the ministers. Increase the taxes. Hoard the grain."

King, shocked: "What is this, child?"

Child: "Till a moment back, you were the ruler. I was a mere child. Now, I'm the ruler & you're on the way to prison. Good times can turn bad in an instant. Bad times can turn good in an instant. Everything, be it a human, animal, kingdom, empire or country will go through good & bad times and eventually end with the great destroyer, time. This is the constant play of the divine. I'm sorry, dear king, for acting like this. I cancel my orders and return the kingdom back to you. Please forgive my behavior, dear king."

King: "Dear child, you have opened my eyes & cleared my doubts. Thank you."

Shaiva stories. Adaptations in the Tamizh movie, Thiruvarutchelvar & Kannada movie, Shiva Leela.

एकं सत् विप्रा: बहुधा वदन्ति - Rig Veda

 एकं सत् विप्रा: बहुधा वदन्ति.

The truth is one. The wise express it in multiple ways. - Rig Veda Samhita, 1.164.46

Sunday, October 04, 2020

Respect with & without boundaries

स्वगृहे पूज्यते मूर्खः स्वग्रामे पूज्यते प्रभुः ।

स्वदेशे पूज्यते राजा विद्वान् सर्वत्र पूज्यते ॥

Respect normally has boundaries; only a scholar is respected without boundaries.

Though not intellectual, one is respected in one's own home by family. Love begets love. The love is conditional; children of unfortunate bad families will not have it.

A leader has respect in his domain (village or kingdom) as long as he does good or has power. Once the influence wanes, so does the respect, which is conditional.

A scholar, one who is proficient in any skill, is respected without boundaries. This respect is unconditional.