The young Sanyasi, Adi Shankara, a Vedantic scholar, goes to Mahishmati intending to debate with the Mimamsa scholar, Mandana Mishra. Mandana Mishra was performing the Sraddha ceremony of his expired father.
Adi Sankara gatecrashed into Mandan Mishra's house, who was not pleased with this sudden arrival of this clean-shaven monk. He asked him in a sarcastic manner: “Kuto Mundi?” (Where have you come from, O clean shaven one?)
Adi Sankara decided to reply to Mandan Mishra in the same sarcastic tone. The words “Kuto Mundi” can also mean “How far have you shaved?” in Sanskrit. “Agalan Mundi” (Shaven up to the neck), Adi Sankara replied, deliberately misinterpreting the question.
Thinking that Adi Sankara had not understood the question, Mandan Mishra explained, “Margam Prichate Maya” (I am asking the path). Again Adi Sankara deliberately replied with a mischievous, '“Kim kaha Patha” (So, what did the path tell you?).
Mandana Misra lost his temper at this and shouted “Patha prokta tava Matuh Vidhava” (The way said that your mother was a widow). To this, Adi Sankara replied , “Tha Thevahi” (May be it is true), implying that the 'path' was talking about Mishra's own mother.
At this, Mandan Mishra completely lost it and asked 'Sura Pita'? (Are you drunk?), Adi Sankara replied, “Sura Shweta na Pita” (Liquor is white, not yellow). as the word Pita in Sanskrit can mean the colour yellow as well.
“Tatha hi, tvam janasi varnam” (So, you know the colour of liquor?) asked Mandana Mishra. “Maya varnat etavat janami, tvam ruchim api jasyati va” (I know the colour, but maybe you know the taste as well), replied Adi Sankara calmly.
Legend says that at this point, other people intervened and asked Mandan Mishra to control his temper and offer the young Sanyasi Bhiksha. Adi Sankara asked for Vaada Bhiksha - alms in the form of a debate. Mandan Mishra agreed, and thus began the famous debate between the two.
The learned Ubhaya Bharati, wife of Mandana, acts as judge. Eventually, she declares Shankara as the winner of the debate. However, she stops Mandana from taking up Sanyasam and becoming a Vedantin. She asks Shankara for a debate herself, with the argument that the wife is half of the husband, and unless Shankara defeats her, Mandana is not yet defeated. Shankara agrees.
The debate goes on for 17 days. Realizing that Shankara is unbeatable in Vedic philosophies & knowing fully well that he is a Sanyasi, she asks him a question from the Kama Shastra specific to women. Shankara is silent. She questions Shankara that without householder experience, how could he claim renunciation/meditation/self-realization/Vedanta to be the best path? Shankara asks for time. Bharti agrees. After some dramatic episodes, he finally returns and answers Ubhaya Bharti. Bharti admits defeat and allows Mandana to accept Shankara as his Guru & become a Vedantin. He becomes Sureshwaracharya, the first Peethadipathi of the Shringeri Mutt (Matam).
Shankara Digvijaya by Vidyaranya