Samkhya by Kapila is the 3rd orthodox school of Hinduism. Fundamentals: There is Prakriti (the material world) & Purusha (non-material). If you remove Prakriti, only Purusha remains. Our own mind is material in nature.
Samkhya is the philosophy. Yoga is the practice. It is the 4th orthodox school of Hinduism.
Yoga means Union. Yoga or Ashta-anga (8 limbed) Yoga of Patanjali is defined in its 2nd verse of the Yoga Sutras.Yogash Chittha Vriddhi Nirodha. Yoga is the curbing/ control (nirodha) of the manifestations (vrittis) of the mind.
The 8 angas (limbs) are:
- Yama (control)
- Niyama (rules)
- Asana (posture/exercise)
- Pranayama (control of breath). These are the 4 lower angas.
- Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses)
- Dharana (concentration-external)
- Dhyana (concentration-internal or meditation)
- Samadhi (the final state). These are the 4 higher angas.
What is commonly taught as Yoga today is Yogaasana.